We Did It! 2016 Legislative Session Wrap Up

We came in to 2016 calling for bold action on housing opportunity. Communities throughout the state face unprecedented barriers to housing stability, and we selected a slate of policy and funding priorities to comprehensively address these challenges. Many of these bills changed throughout the process, requiring flexible and dynamic responses. In the end, a number of…

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Approaching the Finish Line: Week 4 Legislative Update

The road to getting an important bill passed can take a lot of twists and turns. This is even truer when there are a variety of different bills coming together as part of a negotiated package. But the clock is ticking, and we need legislators to produce a strong set of housing policies to preserve…

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Mid-Session Legislative Update

The short session is just past its halfway point, and the pace continues to accelerate! We are excited to see continued momentum around housing opportunity this session. A number of the proposals around tenant protections, inclusionary zoning, and land use are linked together as part of a proposed housing package but continue to move as…

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You’re Being Heard at Hearings for Housing Opportunity

There’s no time to waste in taking action for housing opportunity, and the Oregon Legislature got right to work this, hearing bills for tenant protections and inclusionary zoning on Monday, February 1—the first day of session. The hearings for House Bill 4001 and Senate Bill 1533 were filled with some incredibly powerful testimony from community members…

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Affordable Housing is an Oregon-Wide Issue and These Articles Prove It

Policymakers, service providers, and community members throughout the state are speaking up about the need for more housing opportunity in their communities—and the media is paying attention. We have compiled just some of this coverage showing the impact of Oregon’s shortage of affordable housing. Both cities and rural communities are seeing families struggling to make…

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Action Alert: You Can Make a Difference for Renters This Session—Here’s How

Every Oregonian should have a decent and stable home that they can afford, but this opportunity is more at risk than ever. The 2016 legislative session is our chance to help make homes a reality for all Oregonians. Housing opportunity is a top priority at the legislature, and the Housing Relief Act (HB 4001) is…

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Details of Housing Opportunity Bills for the 2016 Oregon Legislative Session

The Oregon Legislature has introduced several housing bills that support and complement housing opportunity. We’re posting the most recent summaries and will be keeping you updated as the bills move through the legislature. You can also keep tabs on bills with our Housing Opportunity Agenda page. Housing Relief Act The proposed Housing Relief Act (HB…

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Portland Area Emergency Housing Forum

More than 300 people turned out for the Housing Emergency Forum for metro area legislators, hosted by Rep. Alissa Keny-Guyer & Rep. Rob Nosse. Nearly 30 speakers shared their stories and advocated for policy & funding solutions in the 2016 legislative session. Get involved at oregonhousingalliance.org! [View the story “Portland Metro Area Housing Emergency Forum…

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Recap: House Interim Human Services and Housing

On Tuesday, November 17, the Housing Alliance participated in a House Committee on Human Services and Housing informational meeting to urge legislators to action on the statewide affordable housing crisis. Advocates from around the state told the committee what can be done in 2016 to ensure more Oregonians have access to housing opportunity. Neighborhood Partnerships…

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For People Who Want to Take Their Advocacy to the Next Level

This November 16th and 17th, we are excited to have the opportunity to work with Tanya Beer, Associate Director of the Center for Evaluation Innovation. Tanya brings a broad range of evaluation experience with a particular focus in the areas of systems change and advocacy evaluation. For a teaser of what Tanya will bring to Oregon, check…

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