With the Legislative session entering the month of May, and budget negotiations about to get serious, it’s time for an update on all of the bills on our Housing Opportunity Agenda and our list of endorsed bills for 2019.
It is time to get excited and get loud – so pick an issue you’re passionate about from this list, and email, call, or write your Legislator to ask for their support. Need help? Email Alison!
First, our Housing Opportunity Agenda!
- Prevent and End Homelessness (SB 5512): Critical funding for emergency rent assistance, rapid re-housing, and emergency shelter through the Emergency Housing Account (EHA) and the State Homelessness Assistance Program (SHAP). $50 million in on-going funding. EHA and SHAP are funded through the OHCS budget. There was a great public hearing, and we now await action by the Joint Committee on Ways & Means.
- Provide stability for Oregonians who rent their homes (SB 608): This bill limits no-cause evictions, and provides statewide rent stabilization to prevent displacement. PASSED! Check out additional information here: https://www.oregonhousingalliance.org/sb608/
- Increasing our supply of safe, stable, and affordable housing
across Oregon (HB 5005): Additional resources to develop regulated affordable housing are needed. In 2019, the Legislature should commit $200 million in general obligation bonds, with up to 20% of those resources for home ownership. There was a public hearing in April, with fantastic testimony from housing advocates. This awaits action by the Joint Committee on Ways & Means.
- Property Tax Exemption Sunset Renewal (SB 737): Local option property tax exemptions support building and maintaining affordable housing. SB 737 was approved by the Senate Human Services Committee, and now waits in the Joint Committee on Tax Expenditures.
- Preserve existing affordable housing (HB 5030): Across Oregon, we need to maintain safe, stable, and affordable homes. In 2019, the Legislature should commit $100 million in Lottery Bonds. There was a public hearing in April, with terrific testimony from housing advocates. This awaits action by the Joint Committee on Ways & Means
- Foreclosure Counseling (SB 820): Foreclosure continues to impact Oregon communities and homeowners. SB 820 allocates $1.24 million to provide foreclosure counseling for 2019-21. SB 820 was heard in Senate Housing Committee, and passed unanimously. It now awaits action in the Joint Committee on Ways and Means.
- Home Ownership Assistance Program definitions (HB 2812): This bill clarifies some definitions which allow the Home Ownership Assistance Program to serve people up to 100% of Area Median Income. HB 2812 has passed the House and Senate, and is headed to the Governor’s desk for signature!
On our list of Endorsements:
Policy Proposals: These bills do not stop at the Joint Committee on Ways & Means, but instead move directly from policy committee to the floor. If there is a bill you are passionate about, email your Representative or Senator (depending on what chamber it is in!) and ask for their support.
- Improve Transitional Housing Campgrounds (HB 2916): Technical changes to increase access to safe places to sleep for people experiencing homelessness. This bill has passed the House, and is awaiting a vote of the Senate Housing Committee.
- Address impacts of land use appeal delays (SB 8): Provide attorney’s fees when an affordable housing development is appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals, and the developer prevails. This bill has passed the Senate, and is awaiting a vote of the House Human Services & Housing Committee.
- Receivership Program Improvements (HB 2285): A technical fix is needed to improve receivership laws to allow cities to more effectively deal with abandoned homes in disrepair. This bill passed the House, and is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Committee on Judiciary.
Awaiting Action in the Joint Committee on Ways & Means: May marks the beginning of very serious budget negotiations. It is now time to get excited and get loud, housing advocates! We need to be calling and emailing our Legislators to ask for their support.
- Increasing our supply of permanent supportive housing across the State (HB 5005): $50 million in General Obligation Bonds to help develop new supportive housing across Oregon.
- Targeted resources to address child and family homelessness (SB 5512): $20.5 million to address child and family homelessness.
- Expand access to information and referral through 211 Info (HB 2650).
- Support for General Assistance (HB 2302, HB 5026).
- Expand Oregon Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Fund (SB 5515): $10 million to support emergency shelter, hotline services, and staff support
- End the debt based suspension of drivers licenses (HB 2614).
- Addressing hunger issues through the Oregon Hunger Response Fund (HB 5026): $4.2 million.
- Addressing missing middle housing through zoning (HB 2001): Allow townhomes, duplexes, triplexes, quads, and cottage clusters in cities of a certain size. Allocate $3 million to support local jurisdiction implementation.
- Supporting Private Market Renters (HB 2006): $20 million for legal assistance, expanding capacity for a tenants’ rights hotline, navigator services for voucher recipients, and expansion of rent well classes.
- Adequate staffing at Oregon Housing and Community Services to support housing development (SB 5512).
- Support local governments to address housing needs (HB 2228A, HB 2075A).
- Maintaining Affordable Housing (HB 2002): $25 million in lottery bonds to support efforts to preserve these critical homes
- Attainable Market Rate Housing Acquisition Fund (HB 5030): $15 million acquisition fund to acquire low cost market rate housing
- Greater Oregon Housing Accelerator (HB 2055A, HB 2056): $15 million
- Healthy Homes (HB 2802): $15 million for basic health and safety repairs for homeowners with low incomes
- Manufactured Home Park Preservation Loan Fund (HB 2896): $3 million
- Increase coordination and collaboration to preserve and maintain manufactured home parks (HB 2893)
- Maintain the Fairview Trust (SB 491)
- Manufactured Home Replacements (HB 2894, HB 2895): $3 million
Joint Committee on Tax Expenditures; House Revenue; or Senate Finance & Revenue: These bills are related to tax expenditures or revenue, and are waiting for action by one of the House or Senate Revenue Committees, or the Joint Committee on Tax Expenditures. Is your Legislator on one of these three key committees? Email and ask for their support.
- Earned Income Tax Credit Renewal and Expansion (HB 3028)
- Renewal of the Agricultural Workforce Housing Tax Credit until 2026 (SB 202, HB 2137A)
- Allow the transient lodging tax to be used to support affordable housing (SB 595)
- Property Tax Exemption Sunset Renewal (SB 262)
- Capital Gains Manufactured Home Park Preservation, Tax Credits for Manufactured Home Park Residents to prevent closure (HB 2664, SB 197, SB 192)
- Expand the Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative (SB 790, HB 3133)
- Mortgage Interest Deduction Reform (HB 3349)